The BSP Speaker Bureau
If you enjoy speaking about bluebirds and feel you would like to get started as a speaker to educate others concerning bluebirds, the Bluebird Society of Pennsylvania can assist you by providing a educational bluebird PowerPoint presentation which includes beautiful photos related to bluebird education along with a script to explain each photo sequence.
All new and past speakers are encourage to update their contact information on this page below.
To update or be added to our BSP Speaker’s Bureau List, please reply with the following information:
First & Last Name
Telephone Number
E-mail Address
Please indicate below if you would like a free educational bluebird PowerPoint presentation.
If you enjoy speaking about bluebirds and feel you would like to get started as a speaker to educate others concerning bluebirds, the Bluebird Society of Pennsylvania can assist you by providing a educational bluebird PowerPoint presentation which includes beautiful photos related to bluebird education along with a script to explain each photo sequence.
All new and past speakers are encourage to update their contact information on this page below.
To update or be added to our BSP Speaker’s Bureau List, please reply with the following information:
First & Last Name
Telephone Number
E-mail Address
Please indicate below if you would like a free educational bluebird PowerPoint presentation.